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CloudMe for WebDAV.

CloudMe mounts as a network drive (similar to iDisk) using WebDAV on Mac, Windows and Linux. This means you can use and access CloudMe as a local hard drive, edit documents using Microsoft Office, and manage files and folders using your standard file explorer.

Many 3rd party applications and apps on mobile devices also support WebDAV. This means that CloudMe can be used from within any app compatible with WebDAV. The Apple productivity suite for iPad; Pages, Numbers and Keynote all support WebDAV, enabling you to open, edit and save documents directly from within the apps to CloudMe.

Let your friends access and follow your files through a http link.
Share your files, but also allow your friends to upload to your WebShare. A file inbox provided through a http link.
Collaborate and share a WebShare with friends and work together in a common folder through a http link.
Before publishing, make sure you own the copyrights and other rights to all materials you publish or that you obtained all necessary permissions.