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Stream music while on the go.

With CloudMe you will always have your music library with you. Build and share your music collection within your family. Play music in your car, on your phone, computer and TV.

CloudMe allow you to stream and enjoy the music you own at full quality. Just upload or sync your music collection with CloudMe and get started streaming music and building playlists. You may even import your existing .m3u playlists. A family may have a premium plan account to fit all music and then share the music collection to every family member.

If you have a car with a Bluetooth compatible stereo, you can use CloudMe to stream directly to your car. If you own an AppleTV, Samsung SmartTV, WD TV or a Google TV, you can also stream music to your TV. The easiest way to get started is to install CloudMe on your computer, then activate the Music sync folder and connect it with your music collection.

→ Learn more in our tutorial, Play Music......

Let your friends access and follow your files through a http link.
Share your files, but also allow your friends to upload to your WebShare. A file inbox provided through a http link.
Collaborate and share a WebShare with friends and work together in a common folder through a http link.
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