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Keep your network updated.

Your social network can follow your shared folders and get push notifications about any changes you make. How do you want to broadcast yourself?

We have a genuinely generous approach to sharing. Anything you share is free for anyone you invite to follow and add to their account, without reducing their available space. This makes CloudMe perfect for setting up a large family or business account to be shared with family and co-workers as a cloud-based file server. Free accounts may connect to and use the storage space shared by a larger paid for account.

Sharing should also be easy, so we removed all different types of sharing and introduced WebShare, one way to share and publish folders with both CloudMe users and users without a CloudMe account. Non CloudMe users may still view the folder as a web page or WebShare as we call them. A WebShare may be followed, and by following a WebShare you add the shared folder to your account and make it accessible on your mobile, tablet or computer. You will also get push notifications if the contents of the shared folder changes.

Push notifications and WebShare allow you to share photos, videos and files in much higher quality than MMS and for free using any WiFi or network connection. Just setup a WebShare with all the people you need to conveniently send stuff, then add content to the folder and they will automatically be notified.

→ Learn more in our tutorial, Share Files......

Let your friends access and follow your files through a http link.
Share your files, but also allow your friends to upload to your WebShare. A file inbox provided through a http link.
Collaborate and share a WebShare with friends and work together in a common folder through a http link.
Before publishing, make sure you own the copyrights and other rights to all materials you publish or that you obtained all necessary permissions.