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Sync selectively the folders you need.

Choose which folders are synced to each computer. With CloudMe there is no need to get all your personal stuff on your work computer.

Install CloudMe on your computer and be able to sync folders and get the CloudMe folder. With CloudMe on your computer, your folders will seamlessly be available and mirrored across all your devices.

The desktop software is called CloudMe Sync and comes with a user interface that enables you to see all synced folders across all your devices, add new sync folders, view all folders you follow, and select any folder on your computer to be shared. You can selectively setup which folders to sync, for instance have the CloudMe folder synced to all devices, while photos and other personal stuff is only synced between your personal devices and not to work computers.

In order to collaborate with other people through shared folders, you need to install CloudMe Sync on your computer. The software is available for Mac, Windows and Linux

→ Learn more in our tutorial, Sync Folders......

Let your friends access and follow your files through a http link.
Share your files, but also allow your friends to upload to your WebShare. A file inbox provided through a http link.
Collaborate and share a WebShare with friends and work together in a common folder through a http link.
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