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Collaborate and share privately.

CloudMe allows you to share exactly what you want with friends and business acquaintances. Work together in desktop folders or publish folders as web pages.

Safely work together in shared folders on your desktop, tablet and mobile. CloudMe makes working together in a project much easier, since you can save and work with documents like you always have, but all project members will be notified of updates and able to add their own documents and changes.

With CloudMe you can even invite project members that do not have a CloudMe account and they can keep track of what is going on through a published web page. We do not reduce the account quota for project members when they start to follow your shared collaborative folder, the quota counts towards the project owner alone.

→ Learn more in our tutorial, Collaborate......

Let your friends access and follow your files through a http link.
Share your files, but also allow your friends to upload to your WebShare. A file inbox provided through a http link.
Collaborate and share a WebShare with friends and work together in a common folder through a http link.
Before publishing, make sure you own the copyrights and other rights to all materials you publish or that you obtained all necessary permissions.